

Enrollment Policies and Procedures

The uniqueness and strength of Sakura House—Adult Day Care Program—lies in its goal of planning services designed to meet the needs of the individual and how well identified needs can be met.

Sakura House—Adult Day Care Program—is culturally and linguistically responsive and respectful. No individual will be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the adult day care program on the grounds of race, sex, religion, national origin, sexual orientation or disability.

Our program’s resources and liabilities and the identified needs of the community are the key factors in creating our eligibility criteria for the program. We allow for some flexibility in the policy, and consider opportunities for contractual agreements, volunteers, consultants, etc. not limiting services to on-site resources.

Persons interested in Sakura House—Adult Day Care Program—should inquire at 1666 Mott Smith Drive, Honolulu, HI 96822 Telephone (808) 536-1112 during office hours Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m., except recognized holidays.

The applicant and/or family will be fully informed about the Adult Day Care Program’s activities, objectives, expectations, limitations and costs. They will be given opportunity to inspect the facility and make inquiries.

The completion and/or submission of the following information and forms initiate the application process leading to admission into the day care program:

  1. Application form
  2. Physical examination report, TB clearance
  3. Authorization for Health information
  4. Photo/Audio Visual Consent Form
  5. Advance Health Care Directive Form
  6. Non-refundable $25 registration fee

Following submission of the above, an appointment for an interview and further evaluation will be scheduled to include the Day Care Program Director, the applicant and family members or caregivers.

The personal interview is conducted to secure pertinent information on the applicant’s overall behavior as well as to acquaint the applicant and family about Sakura House- Adult Day Care Program’s program, policies and administration.

An applicant is then accepted into the Day Care Program if, in the sole determination of the Program Director, acceptance into the program is appropriate for the applicant and Sakura House—Adult Day Care Program.

If, in the Program Director’s sole determination, a subsequent determination is made that a client is no longer deemed acceptable for the program, the client will be disenrolled.

Eligibility and General Requirements


  1. Ambulatory and independent (with or without an assistive device. Ask us.)
  2. Able to feed themselves
  3. Not prone to Wandering (individual who does not try to leave premises on regular basis)
  4. Must complete a TB clearance and Physical Exam (Within the 3 months before enrollment)
  5. Be continent
  6. Non-combative
  7. 55 years of age and older

*All participants will be assessed for appropriateness prior to admission.

Sakura House—Adult Day Care Program—is open to elderly persons and their care giving families who have need of such services and who would benefit from such a program. Day care service participants must submit a completed history and physical examination report and TB clearance prior to admission. The confidentiality of participant information will be respected and released only by permission and in accordance with regulations.

Caregiver family members and prospective participants are urged to visit and get a feel for the center and meet and speak with the day care Program Director and staff in advance of application. Applications for admission to the day care, to be considered, must be accompanied by a non-refundable registration fee.

Sakura House—Adult Day Care Program—is unable to serve or accept into the program persons who are severely disabled or bed bound, those with infectious diseases, or sub-acute illness, those with unmanageable psychiatric or behavioral conditions or disorders, or those with special monitoring equipment that require the constant attention of a licensed professional nurse.

All day care program services will commence after application and registration are processed. Thereafter, schedules of service may be arranged according to the convenience of the participant and/or family caregiver. Changes in starting times must be made 48 hours in advance. The center cannot accept any non-registered “drop-in” participant.

During days of program participation, participants must be free of gastro-intestinal and respiratory infection. Medicines to be given to the participant during the day must be left in their original pharmacy labeled containers and given to the staff the morning of participation. They will be returned home with the participant at the end of the day (See: Medication).

Day care participants should bring an extra change of clothing in case of need and be prepared for any changes in the weather.

Since care of the older adult of extreme age and frailty or irreversible cognitive impairment can be very demanding, the day care Program Director and staff invite and expect the collaboration and support of family caregivers, so the best interests of the participant are served. We find that attending our program a minimum of twice a week, allows the participant to get acclimated to our program in a timely manner and helps them to develop a social connection with other participants and staff.


Sakura House—Adult Day Care Program—is a fee for service program. In general, recipients of services or their families will be responsible for the costs or fee for the service by direct payment to the day care business office. Only private paying (through personal funds) participants are accepted into the day care program at this time.

  1. A non-refundable registration fee of $25.00+tax is due upon application for day care program.
  2. The basic rate is $109.00+tax per day session of service whether utilized or not.
  3. Fees are charged on monthly basis and an invoice is issued on 3rd of each month.
  4. Accounts over 30 days will be assessed a finance charge of 1.5 % per month (18% ABR).

Discount Rate

Sakura House offers “Discount rate” depending on the frequency of attendance.

5 days a week: $104.00 + tax (Approximately a $100 discount per month)
If the regular attendance days are 5 days a week, Save $5.00 per day
4 days a week: $105.25+ tax (Approximately a $60 discount per month)
If the regular attendance days are 4 days a week, Save $3.75 per day
3 days a week: $106.50+ tax (Approximately a $30 discount per month)
If the regular attendance days are 3 days a week, Save $2.50 per day

*All rates, fees and surcharges are subject to change or may be added without notice.


Advance notifications of absences should be given to Sakura House-Adult Day Care Program- by 2:00pm the day before of your scheduled day, since services such as meals and activity materials are planned based on each participant’s enrollment. $25 will be charged when the notification of absence is given after 2:00 pm the day before to cover the breakfast, lunch (Bento), 2 snacks, and activity materials for the program. The whole day fee will be charged when the notification is given after we open on the day of attendance.

Late Pick Up Fee ($15 per 15-minute increment)

A late pick up fee will be charged for each instance of any time after our closing time.

Incontinence Care ($5 per incident)

$5.00 per incident is charged when incontinence accident happens. (Change pad/diaper/clothes)